How to Launch a Bowel Movement While Being Constipated

Difficult can cause a lot of problems for health, especially for dieters. Streamlining defecation has many advantages prevent bloated stomach, prevent bacterial growth in the intestines, risk of colon cancer, and help control weight. To facilitate the you need to change your lifestyle by consuming lots of fruits and vegetables and exercise regularly. 

How to Launch a Bowel Movement While Being Constipated

Defecation is a process of disposal of food scraps that have been absorbed by the body. This process is an essential need in the life of living beings. Defecation can be used as a benchmark to assess whether we are in a healthy condition or not.
Because defecation is one of the metabolic system that is very important for the body, it's good we always keep us routinely do it.

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Here are some natural ways to help make a bowel movement:

1. Eat foods that contain fiber
Vegetables, fruits, and grains, are fiber-rich foods such as:
Fruit derived from Mexico is rich in vitamin A is very good for eye health. In addition, this fruit is also useful to help launch the process of defecation, especially when we are suffering from constipation.
  • Sweet potatoes . 

This food is very good for your digestive system because it is enriched with dietary fiber that helps the digestive process. In addition to fiber, sweet potatoes also contain high complex carbohydrates, vitamin B6 and C, which are useful in helping the digestive system work well. According to a recent study, cyanidins, peonidins and phytonutrients found in sweet potatoes help to reduce the risk of health problems caused by heavy metals and oxygen radicals. 
  • Potatoes . 

This food is very good to smooth the bow because it is enriched with dietary fiber. Not to mention potatoes are also high in essential minerals including iron which helps prevent anemia .
  • Bananas . 

Banana fruit is often consumed to launch a bowel movement because it has a soft texture and contains high fiber. In addition, the protein in bananas also help repair and maintain the digestive tract and slow the digestion of carbohydrates. Not only that, bananas are also recommended for people with diarrhea, because it helps restore the electrolytes and potassium lost when experiencing diarrhea.
  • Spinach

This plant is one type of fibrous food and foods containing iron . The fiber content is very good to help keep the digestive condition healthy.
  • Cabbage

Cabbage is one type of vegetable that is rich in fiber and many contain vitamin A, B, C, and E. That's why this plant is very good to help launch a bowel movement and can help treat constipation.
  • Carrot

This type of vegetables contain lots of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, and C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium, so it is very well used as a nutritional supplement that our body needs. The use of carrots inter alain is to maintain eye health, lower cholesterol, help prevent cancer, and fiber contained in carrots is very good to overcome constipation or constipation.
  • Nuts

This type of plant is very rich in natural fiber and solid nutrients, it is very helpful in the process of digestion and cleanse the digestive tract.
  • Apricot

The types of fruits derived from these plum subgenus species are foods containing carbohydrates , sugars, fibers, fats, proteins, vitamin A, beta carotene, Vitamin C and iron. As for some functions of this fruit include helping to overcome digestive problems (such as constipation / constipation), improve eye health, and help to prevent cancer and heart disease.

Fruit that includes the tribe of pumpkin or cucurbitaceae is very rich in nutrients and vitamins. The content of water in this fruit is believed to help the smooth process of body digestion, which can help launch a bowel movement.

2. Consume fermented foods
Yogurt is a preparation of milk and soybeans through the stage of bacterial fermentation. These foods are rich in vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin, iodine, and zinc. Bacteria in yogurt can help balance the microflora in the intestines, so it is great for helping the digestion process.

3. Eat foods that contain healthy oils
Mixing fish oil or olive oil along with fruits and vegetables in the daily diet can help treat constipation naturally without having to use laxatives.

4. Consume lots of water
One of the causes of constipation is because our body is less fluid. For that, consuming water can help soften the feces. so we will easily remove the dirt without having to push.

5. Reduce caffeine consumption
Caffeine contained in the dangers of coffee , tea, and soft drinks will actually give bad effects for us, one of which is the body will become dehydrated which will eventually lead to constipation. Therefore, it is better if we avoid the consumption of caffeine to keep our digestive system healthy.

6. Exercise regularl
Aerobic movements such as running, jogging, or swimming can help keep our digestive system in good health. Exercise can stimulate the performance of the muscles in the intestine thus helping the stool to move out quickly.

7. Avoid sitting too long
Constipation can be caused because we sit too long. For that, try to stand for a moment and do mild movements after we sit too long.

8. Get used to defecate every day
Sometimes because of a busyness, we have to postpone the actual bowel movements already felt. If this is done continuously, chances are the impact of constipation will attack us. no matter how busy you are, you should not delay the bowel movements as you feel. Do not procrastinate so feel the urge to defecate.

9. Stress management . 
In addition to adverse health effects, stress can also interfere with the digestive process of the body causing difficult CHAPTER. Stress is not a common cause of difficult bowel movements, but if left unchecked may be very influential to your body system which in turn can inhibit the digestive process. Stress can be prevented by simple means such as deep breathing, positive thinking, and adequate rest. 

10. Eat slowly . 
Chewing food slowly will help the body absorb nutrients perfectly. Conversely, if rush when chewing food the body will not memposes food properly so pengurain nutrition will be more difficult, the impact we will have difficulty in defecation. In addition, combine high carbohydrate and fiber foods to reduce the burden on the body and accelerate digestion.

11. Detoxification of the body . 
Detoxifying the body is a great way to smooth the bowel movement. There are many foods that can be used to clean the colon such as aloe vera. Aloe vera juice has a natural detoxification properties that when consumed will help remove toxins from the body as well as calming internal inflammation in the digestive lining. In addition to bergunan to facilitate defecation, detoxification is also useful to prevent dangerous diseases including cancer. 

12. Avoid eating when depressed . 
Adrenaline, produced by the body when in a state of stress, will slow the flow of blood to the stomach, so muscle and bowel relaxation will cause the digestion to become sluggish. Avoid also eating heavy foods when you are under pressure. 

13. Avoid sleeping after eating . 
To facilitate CHAPTER you try not to sleep after eating. Sleeping after eating can cause the digestive process to become chaotic so food can not be properly disposed. To avoid this should do light activity after eating.

The cause of difficult bowel movements 
  1. As a result of consuming less food beserat
  2. Not getting enough water
  3. Poor stress management
  4. Lack of physical activity
  5. Too much animal protein
  6. Less consumption of fruits and vegetables
  7. Rush to swallow food
  8. Waste grief with plenty to eat
  9. Eat excessive carbohydrates
  10. Sleep after meals
  11. Too much sitting

Healthy Defecation Conditions

Some things that we can notice when defecating that can indicate our health condition, among others:

1. Frequency of defecation
The condition of our health, can be considered debgan frequency of defecation that we do so far. If we regularly do it once a day, it can indicate that our digestion is in good and healthy condition. Conversely if we only do bowel movements every few days or even in a day we too often defecate, it means that our digestive conditions are not healthy or bad.

Rarely a bowel movement can indicate that we are constipated, while the frequency of bowel movements means that we are experiencing diarrhea , and this can affect dehydration in our body.

2. Stool color (faces)
The color of the dirt that we remove it can also provide health information of our body, for example:

  1. The color of stool or yellow to medium - sized feces - it signifies that we are in a healthy condition.
  2. Stool color or black or bright red stool - indicates we are bleeding in the digestive system, the influence of drugs and supplements. Call your doctor immediately if that happens.
  3. The color of feces or stools is white, pale or gray - Can indicate that we are being deprived of bile which may indicate some types of diseases such as hepatitis, liver sirhonis, pancreatic gland disorders, or gallbladder disorders.
  4. Dirt that we remove yellow - Indicates that we are experiencing parasitic giardia infection disorder, or there is a problem in the gallbladder.
  5. Green stools - indicating that we are having an infection due to bacteria, intestinal inflammation, which over time will result in diarrhea. However, the green color may be because we are a vegetarian, so the chlorophyll substance contained in green vegetables, which we eat that can not be digested by the body carried by the dirt that we remove.

3. Fecal shape
If we are healthy, the dirt that we remove is usually not too hard or not too soft. Meanwhile, if our dirt small like pebbles, hard and dry it indicates that we are experiencing constipation, while the dirt is too fluid indicates that we are exposed to diarrhea.

4. Smell issued
Healthy stools are not accompanied by a stinging smell when we remove it. The smell is so stinging when we're defecating can indicate some types of health problems we are experiencing, such as:

  1. Impaired absorption of food by the body
  2. Impaired celiat , which is a disorder of the body's metabolic system characterized by flatulence, vomiting, pale stools, and floating on the surface of the water.
  3. Crohn disorders , a type of chronic disease that occurs in the large intestine. Usually characterized by symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and weight loss.
  4. Congenital disease disorders , This disorder is commonly called cystic fibrosis in the mucous glands and sweat glands.

5. Disposal process
If our breeding system is in good health, we usually will not have difficulty in defecating. While when we are experiencing constipation disorders, usually we have to spend energy to push. Too frequent straining can affect hemorrhoid disorders. And if we are having diarrhea, sometimes we have to go back and forth to the restroom.

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